Taking Upon Us the Name of Christ
When we partake of the Sacrament, we promise to take upon us the name of Christ. When the name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is printed in publications or etched into the sides of buildings, the name of Jesus Christ is above or on top of or upon "Latter-day Saints." When we strive to become true disciples of Jesus Christ and thus insert ourselves into the "Latter-day Saints", then we are quite literally taking upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. The Church is and has been and will forever be first and foremost Jesus Christ's church, but it is also a church that is made for and made up of Latter-day Saints. Both Jesus Christ and the Latter-day Saints are included in the name of the church. We can't make it through this life without Jesus Christ and He can't carry out His great work without us. Christ needs us just as we need Him, and His church is ours just as it is His. He wants us to become saints so that we can take responsibility and share in the vision and the work of bringing about His kingdom upon the Earth. He wants us to become saints so that we can take His name upon us. Christ has promised that all He has, including His church will be ours if we come unto Him. Christ doesn't want us coming as strangers into His church, but rather equal partners coming into Our - His and our - church, with our name as Latter-day Saints on the building right below His.