Preparing Appropriately For Spiritual Disasters

Some people choose to live in a place that hurricanes will occasionally hit. Others choose to live in a place that may be hit by an earthquake. Or a tornado. Or a forest fire. Or a flash flood. Different places are susceptible to different kinds of natural disasters. Similarly, we each are subject to our own particular kind of Spiritual disasters. Now, these could be based in part on choices we make, genetic predispositions, the makeup of our families, friends and communities, and a whole host of other reasons. It's not always productive to try and figure out why we are more susceptible to certain Spiritual disasters and not others. What is productive is determining if we are more likely to face specific kinds of disasters so that we may prepare ourselves appropriately. If we are more likely to be hit by a spiritual hurricane, then we should build a spiritual hurricane wall. If we're more likely to be hit by a spiritual tornado, then we should build a spiritual storm cellar. If we've got a certain weakness that's getting exploited over and over, then we should work with the Lord to shore up that weakness, so that the next time disaster strikes we'll be ready for it.


Yin Yang


Infinite Sum Game