Good Enough
All of us have asked ourselves if we are good enough. Usually, what we mean by that question is, Are we adequately or sufficiently good? If our metric for what counts as sufficiently or adequately good is our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, then the answer to "Are we good enough?" is always going to be no, at least in this life. But consider this. Instead of "good enough" meaning sufficiently or adequately good, what if we thought of "good enough" as the good kind of enough, as opposed to the bad kind of enough. For example, if we are in an abusive relationship, we will never be good enough for our abuser because a) if we were that good then our abuser would lose their favorite punching bag, which is not something they would choose to lose, and b) that kind of enough is not a good kind of enough. We will never be good enough on social media because a) social media is an unrealistic place full of people providing unrealistic portraits of themselves and holding one another to impossible, unrealistic standards, and b) that kind of enough is not a good kind of enough. Being kind to someone is good enough because that kind of enough is the good kind of enough. Showing gratitude is good enough because that kind of enough is the good kind of enough. The widow's two mites were not really good enough for anything if you measure enough as how much temple supplies two mites might be able to buy, but they were good enough for the widow because she gave with her whole heart and she gave all that she could possibly give and that was the good kind of enough. Compared to the tens of thousands of lives in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, saving Lot and his two daughters probably doesn't seem like it's good enough. In fact, Abraham tried to come up with good enough numbers to avert the destruction of those two cities - a hundred, fifty, even ten, but all they found to save were Lot and his two daughters. And they were good enough because they were the good kind of enough. After all, Jesus Himself, through His mother Mary, was descended from those three people that were saved out of tens of thousands. Let's stop worrying about whether or not we will be the kinds of enough that are by their very nature impossible to fulfill and not worth pursuing in any case. And let's rather focus on making sure that we are always seeking those good enoughs, the kinds of enough that through the grace of God we can attain and that enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.