
When the Savior spoke to the woman at the well in Samaria, He spoke to her of Living Waters. He likely did this knowing full well that the woman would be familiar with a nearby body of water that we call the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is what is called an Endorheic lake. Nearly all bodies of water eventually flow back into the ocean, but not Endorheic lakes. Any water that flows into the Dead Sea stays there until it eventually evaporates, leaving behind all of the salty residue it brought with it, making the Dead Sea one of the saltiest places on Earth, and so salty that no life can live in it. When Lehi was trying to encourage his older sons, he pleaded with Laman that he might be like a river, continually flowing into the fountain of all righteousness. Laman and Lemuel's problem was that they were always murmuring, always focused inward and stressing about how every new event affected themselves and never turning outwards to see what they could do to help their family through these hard times. They had become Endorheic - all of life's experiences flowing into them, but nothing flowing out. If we want to have the living waters the Savior promised, we have to desire them with the intent to share them freely with our brothers and sisters. God is the fountain of all righteousness. He is the ocean of all light and truth and love. When we are in the service of our fellow men and women, we are only in the service of our God. When we serve others, we are letting God's love flow through us and back into the ocean of all love, carrying away from us all of the silt of the pain and guilt and worry that gets trapped inside us. When we stop loving and serving others, there is no outlet for that pain and guilt. When the flow of water is stopped, it is dammed. We have a choice to either let the living waters flow through us, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness, or we can become damned and salty as hell itself as we transform into the Dead Sea, devoid of all life or love or hope. Let us waste and wear out our lives in the service of others that God may continually wash away our pain and fill us to the overflowing with His love.


Abandoning All Hope


The Observer Effect