Curing With Salt
We talk about the "Salt of the Covenant." Salt has been used since ancient times to preserve food and prevent it from going bad. We say when we immerse food in salt that we are curing it. The salt infuses every molecule of food and performs a protective shield against bacteria and mold and other corrupting influences. When we completely immerse ourselves in our gospel covenants, we too can be cured and preserved from the corrupting influences of the world. As we allow our covenants to permeate and penetrate every aspect of our lives, we will infuse each and every facet of our lives with the protective shield that will quench the fiery darts of the adversary. So many of the things we face in this life will make our hearts and our souls sick and poisonous, but if we have the salt of the covenant then we can prevent the mold of sin and regret and despair from taking hold of us.