Work Equals Glory, Glory Equals Work

The transitive property of equality states that if a=c and b=c, then a=b. God has said that His work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. To put that in mathematical terms, work=eternal life and glory=eternal life, and through the transitive property work=glory. Perhaps the most common career advice offered is to find work that you are passionate about. God loves what He does and He does what He loves. His work is His glory and His glory is His work. If we are ever truly to become like our Heavenly Father, we have to come to grips with the idea that most of Godhood consists of work - more work than we can imagine. Lest that scare us off too quickly, it also means that most of Godhood consists of glory and joy - more glory and joy than we can imagine. If we are somewhat leary of spending all of eternity in a Heaven that consists mainly of lounging around on clouds being bored out of our minds with nothing to do, then we ought to take comfort. God may rest one day out of seven, but that means He's still spending 86% of His time working. We may feel a little discouraged with the prospect of an eternity of working, but that is because a lot of our experience with work is of a kind that does not bring a lot of joy or glory to our souls. The more we are able to embrace the glory and joy that come from being anxiously engaged in good work, and the more that we can recognize that glory and joy don't just fall into our laps spontaneously with no effort on our part, the more time and energy we will choose to devote to the best kinds of work, and the less time and energy we will waste on the kinds of work that are only frustrating and wearing us down. We are children of a Creator - to glory in our work is baked deeply into our spiritual DNA. I hope that all of us will learn to embrace the glory that comes from our work, and embrace the work that must be a part of our glory.




Recognizing and Acknowledging The Good