Trust And See
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The more that we trust the Lord, the more that we acknowledge His hand in our lives and show gratitude for the guidance that He gives us, the more He shall direct our paths. This becomes a positive feedback loop. As we get better at trusting the Lord, our hearts and our minds are opened, so that we can see the world and ourselves a little more like the way the Lord sees the world and us. And as our understanding of the Lord and His ways grows and deepens, we are better able to perceive the subtle ways that the Lord helps and guides us. As we get better at recognizing the Lord’s hand in our lives, the greater our appreciation and gratitude must grow, and we get better at acknowledging the Lord’s guidance and giving Him the credit. With this greater sense of gratitude, we become humbled and seek to know God at a deeper level and seek more earnestly to acknowledge the ways in which He leads and guides us every moment of our lives. As we get better at recognizing His guidance, our trust in Him grows deeper, we understand Him and His purpose better, and we are able to be guided more and more. And so it goes. Trust begets understanding begets acknowledgement begets gratitude begets humility begets trust and on and on. The Lord is constantly unfolding His plan for us and for the world to our view, and the more we trust Him and let Him lead us, the more details of His plan we will be able to perceive and appreciate them to a much finer degree. I know this may be a weird analogy, but in the Tim Allen Santa Clause trilogy, with each movie, they examine the little contract with bigger and bigger magnifying lenses, and they are able to see more and more details of the Santa Clause. It’s the same with the plan that the Lord has for us. Every time we trust Him and acknowledge the help and the direction He has given us, we trade up to a better lens through which to see the Lord and His plan for us.