The Blood-Brain Barrier

There exists in the body something called the Blood-Brain Barrier. Without getting too technical, this Blood-Brain Barrier only lets in the particles and substances carried by the blood that the brain wants to let in. I was thinking that many of us might also have a spiritual Blood-Brain Barrier. That is, many of us may have created a barrier between the atoning blood of Christ and our brains. We may only accept intellectually certain parts of the Atonement and thus we may self impose certain limits on the power of Christ's grace. It might not always make sense to us why Christ would choose to forgive us for the things we've done. We might not be able to imagine a way in which we can return to full fellowship in the church. These are barriers that our brains put up that stop the full effect of Christ's atoning blood from fully cleansing and healing and sanctifying us. But however strong and thick and impenetrable we have constructed the barrier around our brain, Christ will always be there, standing without, knocking, hoping that we will let Him and His saving blood into our minds to provide relief and light and hope and inexpressible joy as we are forgiven and saved through His blood.


Abide In Me, And I In You


That The Works of God Should Be Made Manifest