Electromagnetic Radiation
In physics, light is referred to as electromagnetic radiation, because electricity and magnetism are both aspects of light. Light can be visible or it can be an invisible force that pulls things toward it. Revelation is the same way. The Lord says that He will tell us in our mind and in our Heart. Sometimes the Lord's light is an illuminating and clarifying ray of knowledge beamed into our brain. And sometimes the Lord's light is an invisible feeling that pulls our hearts towards Him, like pieces of metal to a magnet. When revelation is more like visible light, it is important that we have our eyes and our minds open so that we may see the knowledge the Lord is ready to impart to us. And when revelation is more like magnetism, it is important that we have our hearts properly aligned and attuned so that the magnetic force draws us to our Lord instead of repelling us from Him. Whether the revelation is a clear image or an indistinct feeling does not matter. Both are manifestations of the Lord's light and one is not better than the other. May we always have our eyes and our minds open, and our hearts properly attuned so that we may receive the light from the Lord in all of its manifestations.