The Plates Are Never Full

I was reading the Book of Omni in the Book of Mormon today and Amaleki, the last writer of the Small Plates started by Nephi ends by saying these plates are full. And if you compare the amount of writing by Nephi and to a lesser extent Jacob to the next five or six writers, it's quite a bit less per writer on the tail end and I wonder if maybe Omni and Amaleki and the rest felt like they didn't really have the authority to add more plates to the "Small Plates." Like there were only one hundred plates or whatever and that's why they all skimped out because they were running out of room. I found that in my life there have been lots of times where I've been prompted to do some good deed but then rationalized not jumping in because there were more than enough people already working on that problem and I couldn't really add much of value. But the Book of Mormon doesn't end with the book of Omni. There are at least a dozen writers who contribute to the Book of Mormon after Amaleki declared that these plates are full. There is always room for one more pair of helping hands and I truly believe that we could see unbelievable improvements to the quality of life at every level if more of us didn't just assume that someone somewhere is working on all of these problems and our contributions are neither needed nor wanted. The plates are never full, the work is never done, and our inexperienced and halfhearted and misguided attempts to help are far more welcome and far more effective than our sincerest hope that better people are already working on those problems.




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