Thoughts And Ways

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55: 8). The Lord gives us different opportunities of trusting Him. Sometimes, like Nephi, we are led by the Spirit, not knowing the way beforehand. Even though this is a way that is different than we might have chosen, even if we don’t fully see or understand this way, we can trust that the Lord’s way is the best way. We can walk in His ways and be content that at some point we will have the opportunity to see and understand things from His point of view. Sometimes, however, the way is shut. Sometimes, in the Lord’s own wisdom, we are required to wait and not walk in the way the Lord has set before us. In these circumstances, rather than inviting us to go in the Lord’s way, He is inviting us to make our thoughts more like His thoughts. When the way is shut before us, we can trust in the Lord by developing and expanding our thoughts. This period of waiting will allow us to zoom out and get a more Celestial, Eternal perspective. We do not always get to walk the Lord’s way with the Lord’s thoughts. Sometimes we only get one or the other. Sometimes we have to go forth with faith, not knowing. Sometimes we have to stand still with faith, and Know God and His thoughts a little better. Just because we are sometimes walking blind does not mean we will not eventually understand. And just because sometimes we cannot go forward does not mean we are wasting our time or falling behind. We are transforming our thoughts into His thoughts, and our ways into His ways.


We Cannot Place Limits On God’s Love And Forgiveness


Not Impossible Enough Yet