We could look at the word redeem as being composed of the root deem and the prefix re-. This isn't the true etymology but I think it's useful as an analogy. Deem means to judge and re- means again. So when we are redeemed, it is like we are being re-judged or reevaluated. If we were to be judged on our own merits, we would be deemed unworthy to return to the presence of God. But when we are re-judged or redeemed with the Atonement of Jesus Christ to cover all of our sins and mistakes and flaws and weaknesses, we can be deemed worthy to come home to our Heavenly Father. As long as we are sincerely repenting and striving to apply the redeeming power of the Atonement in our lives, we owe it to ourselves to re-judge and reevaluate ourselves in the light of Christ's grace. If we have truly repented we need to accept our re-judgment and accept that we have been forgiven and have been re-deemed as worthy.