When we talk about passing through the Veil of Forgetfulness, we might imagine this as a single event where we passed through some great, divine curtain that wiped our memories of our Premortal life. I think it would be more appropriate to consider that we each have our own individual Veil placed upon the divine aspects of our eternal identities that are too glorious and powerful for our frail and mortal minds to comprehend or to bear. It is necessary for us to learn crucial lessons about faith and trust and the importance of choosing good over evil. We can only do this if the greatest part of our divinity is hidden from our view. When we experience revelation, it is not so much that God is bestowing light and knowledge from an external source, but rather He is peeling back a small portion of the veil that covers the light and truth that is already inside of us. After all, the origin of the word reveal literally means to uncover or pull back the veil. The more that we come unto Christ and place our trust in Him and act in faith and seek the truth, the more we unravel the veil of forgetfulness and reveal our own divinity to ourselves and to the world. Christ has called us the light of the world and it is our responsibility to peel back the veil that is covering up our light so that it may shine forth.