Suffer For One Another
Jesus Christ suffered for our sins. It wasn't just, it wasn't fair, He didn't deserve it, but He understood that in order for us to become more like God it was necessary for us to be able to make mistakes and then hopefully learn from them so that we could grow and progress. We too in this life have to suffer for the sins of others. People lie to us, attack us, spitefully use and abuse us. It isn't just, it isn't fair and we don't deserve it. But if we can plead for an eternal perspective and if we can plead for our hearts to be filled with the pure love of Christ, then we can recognize that in order for our brothers and sisters to become like God, it is necessary for them to be able to make mistakes and then hopefully learn from them so that they can grow and progress. The Savior loved each and every one of us enough to allow us to blunder through this life, making mistakes and causing those around us and especially the Savior to suffer and pay the price for our mistakes. All He asks of us is that we try to exercise the same love and empathy and understanding as all of God's other children blunder through life causing those around them, which often includes us and always includes the Savior, to suffer and pay the price for their mistakes. We are all in this together and we are all suffering for each other's sins. Not in the same way that Christ has suffered, but if we are to truly become like Him, then we must suffer and pay the price for each other's mistakes with forgiveness in our hearts, trusting that all will be made right in the end. Every time we go out and take an eye for an eye, we double the suffering from that first bad choice. But every time we turn the other cheek, we stop the chain of mistakes and suffering in its tracks. We do not need to masochistically seek out pain and suffering, we do not need to cling to abusive relationships or continue to reward deceit with unwarranted trust, but we can choose to recognize that the people around us sometimes make our life harder and more miserable not out of malice but because they're trying to figure things out and they don't have the wisdom or the patience or the love of others to avoid making these mistakes...yet. The Savior loved us enough to suffer for our sins. Let us love one another enough to suffer for each other's sins.