The Worst And The Best Possible

I used to work at a survey company and one of the questions we would often ask was something like, "On a scale of one to ten, with one being the worst possible doctor and ten being the best possible doctor, how would you rate your doctor?" And I always thought that regardless of how good or bad my doctor was, I'd have to give them a five because the worst possible doctor would be one of those Nazi scientists that did unethical medical experiments and torture, and the best possible doctor would not only fix whatever was wrong with me but also improve my health so much that I would basically turn into Superman. The point I'm trying to make is that however bad our day has gone, it could always get worse. Just think of Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. He was having a pretty rough time, but the Lord reminded him that as bad as it was, he still had his friends and was not yet having as bad a time as Job. And then on the flip side, however good our life is right now, it could always get better. This should give us comfort and hope knowing that at the end of each day, we did not do as terribly as we could have, nor have we reached our ultimate potential. If life is not yet as good as it can be, then we still have something to strive for. We still have a purpose. And if we can still imagine something worse happening to us, then we can survive and overcome our current challenge, grateful that at least our challenge isn't as hard as it could be.


Service Reveals Our Worth


The Hope of Impossibility