Take Each Day As It Comes

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (Matthew 6:34). Because many of our choices lead to negative consequences, it can be tempting to try to take our choice or agency out of the equation. We often want a set of rules that never change, a system that removes any uncertainty out of the equation, a guarantee that if we do x and y, then z will never happen. But that's Satan's plan that we are all guaranteed to be saved because we aren't allowed to make mistakes. God wants us to learn basic laws and principles that can be adapted to the infinite variety of life experiences without restricting our all important agency. We are supposed to take each day as it comes and deal with the situation at hand without agonizing over yesterday's mistakes or fretting about tomorrow's potential perils. That's not too say that we shouldn't learn from our past experiences or prepare for the future, but there is a certain peace that comes from facing each day on its own, as its own new set of opportunities and challenges. Yesterday is gone. It's not coming back. Tomorrow is going to take care of itself. The good and evil, the brilliant and the dull and the terrifying and the enlightening of today is enough. God does not want us to abandon our agency for anything, nor will He abandon us as we face today's challenges.




God Is Always Intervening