Cutting Through The Gordian Knot

There is a legend of the Gordian knot, in which there was this incredibly complicated knot that was impossible to untie and there was a prophecy that whoever was able to unravel it would come to rule all of Asia. Alexander the Great went there and instead of working loose the knots, he simply took his sword and cut through the knots. Sometimes we may find that our lives have become hopelessly entangled and the different knots of loyalties and slights and mistakes and grievances has become so convoluted that it can seem impossible that we will ever unravel everything. We may not see with our mortal eyes a way through the problems that we are facing, but that doesn't mean there's not a solution. There's a famous thought experiment that tries to explain more than three dimensions. Imagine that you're a two dimensional creature and you're trapped inside a square. You try to go forwards, backwards, left, right but there's an impenetrable wall on every side. But if you were a three dimensional creature, then you could just step over any of the lines of the square and be on your merry way. In the same way, imagine you are in a prison cell, essentially a cube. You can't go forward, backward, left, right or up or down. But just as you were able to step over the prison walls of a square, a person of a higher dimension would be able to step outside of the prison walls of the cube. God's ways are not our ways, not are His thoughts our thoughts. He can see through more dimensions than we can, and so when He asks us to do something, it might not be immediately obvious how such a prompting could help us, but that's because we can't see things the same way He can. So if our life has become a hopelessly tangled snarl, then we can arm ourselves with the sword of truth, with a Godly perspective, and we can simply slice through the tangle and free ourselves with the Word of God, which is sharper than the two edged sword.


Stoking The Flames


Neither Be Partakers of Other Men’s Sins