Just In Time

When running a computer program, the code will often need to be compiled or translated from a higher level, more abstract language that programmers work in, to a more basic, executable language that the computer understands to perform the actual functions. One of the ways this happens is through something called "Just in Time" compilation. Rather than spend a lot of time at the beginning compiling all possible versions of the code you might need, the code gets compiled as needed, or just in time. Something very similar happens with spiritual promptings and personal revelation. God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours. We need some kind of compiler or interpreter to translate the pure, divine truth into practical and executable instructions that we can apply to our own situation.  But as we've all discovered, certain principles or Commandments or rules which may work very well in most situations, may fall apart in others. Thou shalt not kill is a pretty universal Commandment, but when Nephi was facing Laban, the Spirit told him that the right thing in this situation was to kill. Yelling and overturning tables and scattering money and merchandise may generally be bad, but in the case of Jesus casting out those who would defile his father's house, it was the right thing to do. The Lord loves Just in Time revelation or interpretation of His thoughts because life is so messy that it's better to get new, fresh revelation for the very moment we need it that is tailored and personalized for our exact situation. Nephi was led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand but given guidance just in time. Moses had to walk into the Red Sea with the armies of Pharaoh at his back until the Lord parted the sea Just in Time. The reasons that the Lord just can't zap us with all of the knowledge ahead of time is that we will forget the important details at the crucial moment, or we'll be so terrified at the vast gulf between what the Lord will require of us and our own limited capacity, or we will slack off because we know the end from the beginning and the Lord will sort it all out without any help on our parts. We can sit at home and try to compile the Lord's thoughts all day, but we have limited RAM and CPU in our brains and hearts. It would be much better to go forth with faith and take the Spirit as our constant companion and trust that the Lord will give us what we need in the very moment or Just in Time.



