Rest of the Lord
The scriptures talk about entering into the rest of the Lord. In musical notation, a rest is a moment of silence in which no notes are played. So much of our days are filled with the music and noise of life. Sometimes that music is a harmonious symphony, and sometimes it's a cacophonous confusion. But when we enter into the rest of the Lord, we can step away from all of the sounds rushing at us and we can hear instead the still, small voice of the spirit. Rests in music are an important part of the structure of the song and can often take a good melody up to the next level. We may often feel that we're juggling too many different instruments and melodies and we can't afford to pause for even a moment or it will all come crashing down on us, but the Lord can work with us to plan out our days so that we can incorporate the rests of the Lord in a harmonious way that adds to the beauty of the melody that we are trying to create and allows us to regain a little of our sanity. I know that as we intentionally include the rests of the Lord into our lives we will find greater peace and clarity and be able to find a rhythm that works to our good and God's glory.