Being Perfect Like Jesus Christ Is Perfect
"Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." (3 Nephi 12:48). Christ wants us to be perfect like He is, not perfect like what we think perfection is, or what the world's idea of perfection is. From a PR perspective, Christ really doesn't seem anything like perfect. He vandalized stores, didn't pay taxes, defended adulterers, touched lepers with His bare hands, ate dinner with prostitutes, publicly broke the traditions of the Sabbath, was chased by mobs, was tried and convicted of treason and sedition, and if He had been tried today, would probably have been labeled a terrorist. The point is, Christ does not have the appearance of being perfect, He simply is perfect, through and through. Being perfect does not mean never being seen in a situation that might be taken out of context. Being perfect like the Savior is perfect means that you care more about the one who is lost and in need than the opinions of the ninety and nine currently pretending that they've got it all figured out. If we spent less energy trying to be perfect after the fashion of the world and maintaining some flawless facade and instead we tried a little harder to be perfect in the ways that the Savior is perfect, we would each day seem a little less perfect but rather be a little more perfect. The world is fickle and ever changing and its idea of perfection is impossible to maintain or keep up with and the trends that we were so careful to follow yesterday may get us labeled as a pariah tomorrow. But the Lord's perfection is constant and never changing and very simple - Love the Lord your God with all your heart, might, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.