Sustaining The Prophet
When the prophet Elijah was forced to hide for his life in the wilderness, the Lord sent flocks of ravens carrying morsels of bread and meat to sustain him. The amount of bread or meat that each bird could individually carry must have been very small, perhaps seemingly insignificant, even, but the prophet required each little bit to keep from starving. The prophet today needs us to sustain him in much the same way that the prophet Elijah needed those ravens to sustain him. With a global church membership of nearly seventeen million people, we might be tempted to draw the conclusion that any efforts on our part as individuals to sustain the prophet would surely go unneeded and unnoticed and unappreciated. This is simply not true. Just as the prophet Elijah received every crumb brought to him by those ravens with gratitude and reverence and real need, so too does our prophet today receive with similar gratitude and reverence and need our sincere and heartfelt efforts to sustain him. Every time we pray for our prophet, every time we seek earnestly to follow his counsel, every time we try to make our own lives and the world around us a better place, we are sending one of God's ravens with a little morsel of righteousness to sustain our beloved prophet. The prophet does not overlook nor will he forget our efforts to sustain him, even if such efforts may seem like insignificant crumbs to our eyes. More importantly, our Heavenly Father will not overlook nor forget the kindness and strength and faithfulness with which we sustain His servants. God is preparing a great feast in honor of His Son's Second Coming and He needs every single crumb that we can provide.