Angels Speak

"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." (2 Nephi 32:3). When we read or study or listen to or contemplate or ponder the words of Christ, such that their meaning and import is carried deep into our heart and soul by the power of the Holy Ghost, this is when angels speak to us. Just as God relies on His children to carry out His will and to minister to the physical and temporal needs in the physical world, He relies on His children to minister to the spiritual needs in the Spiritual world. While we are alive we can minister in person to our loved ones. And when our loved ones have passed on to the Spirit World, they can still, as angels, speak the words of Christ and tell us all things that we should do. It is not merely a nice idea but a reality that as we feast on the words of Christ, our loved ones who have passed on are with us to testify to our spirits by the power of the Holy Ghost. When we study and ponder the scriptures with real intent we are inviting the angels we know and love to abide with us and speak the words of Christ to our souls. Every time we feel the Spirit, God's angels, our loved ones, are there with us. If the grief and the ache and the longing become too much, let us feast on the words of Christ, so those we miss so dearly can come and be with us and speak the words of Christ to us.


Jacob and Esau


Perfect Brightness of Hope