The Sum of Our Less Than Perfects

I wish I could say this Daily Spiritual Thought that I write is always an effortless and joyful outpouring of revelation. It is a lot more often than I have any right to expect or deserve. Sometimes something will leap out at me in seconds of starting to study the scriptures. Sometimes I'll have six good ideas and hope that I'll be able to remember some of them later in the week. Sometimes I get to the end of studying and don't feel any kind of inspiration towards any topic in particular, or I feel I've worn a particular topic too thin with too many thoughts about the same subject. But whether what I write is good or meaningful, I do still believe there is value in making an effort each and every day. I somehow find it in me to eat and sleep every day, even if sometimes the food is boring or the sleep is hard to come by. Today I came up with two or three ideas I could maybe write something about but none of them felt right. That's OK. I have around four hundred and fifty days worth of evidence that if I'm not feeling totally inspired today, the inspiration will come around sooner or later as long as I keep reading my scriptures every day and writing something down. God is OK if we aren't able to double our talents every single day. He is OK if sometimes we only get our light halfway out of the bushel. He knows better than we do that all of our less than perfect efforts add up to something marvelous and wonderful in the end.


Embrace Our Unearned and Undeserved Forgiveness


The Lord’s Help Is Enough