Surrendering Our Will

Two of the most important things we can do in this life are first, learn to surrender our will over to our Heavenly Father, and, second, learn to become like our Heavenly Father. These two are a lot more closely related than they might at first appear. To become like God is to give up one's will. After all, that's what He did. God wanted children and not puppets. Therefore, God had to surrender His will over to us and to trust that we would use it well. When people ask why God doesn't intervene more, one of the reasons is that He gave up His control over us and committed to abiding by the choices that we make. So, if we want to become like God, we have to learn to give up control, give up our will and choose instead to trust. However, although God granted unto us our agency with no guarantee that we would use it properly, we can have every confidence that if we surrender our will to God, then He will work with us only for our good and His glory. God does not use force but faith. He does not intimidate but invites. He does not dominate but develops. He cultivates rather than conquerors, trusts rather than tyrannizes, endures rather than enslaves. If we want to become like God then we must learn to surrender our will, not for some arbitrary reason but because choosing trust over control is a fundamental characteristic of Godhood.


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