Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger And Thirst After Righteousness

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6). I want to talk about those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some of us may do some good deed and then feel satisfied. Deep inside of us flickers the light of Christ, and when we love and serve one another, that light inside of us fills us with warmth and contentment. But some of us, even after we serve, are still hungry and thirsty. We want to do more. And those of us who have done righteousness and are still hungry and thirsty, blessed are we. To them that have received, more shall be given. If we have gone with someone a mile, and are still hungry and thirsty to be with and to love and serve them, then we will go with them another mile. If we see someone that needs our coat, we'll give it to them, but we will still want to do more, and we'll give them our cloak also. Every time we are hungry and thirsty to grow and become more like our Savior Jesus Christ, we will be filled. And if we can learn to be filled with His light and His goodness and His Spirit without feeling full but holding onto our hunger and our thirst still, then we will continue to be filled. When the resurrected Jesus asked Peter what his greatest desire was, Peter told him that he wished that when he died he could go straight to be by his Master's side. But when Jesus asked John what his greatest desire was, John said he wished to tarry on the Earth until Christ came again. Peter was full but John was still hungry. I know that it can be tempting for us to let go of our hunger and our thirst and say, we've done enough righteousness; we're full. But if we can stay hungry and choose to receive more and more and more, then we will continue to be filled with God's love forever and ever.


Blessed Are The Merciful


Blessed Are The Meek