God’s Work = God’s Glory
In Sister Joy D Jones' talk from this past conference, she talks about the importance of "getting far enough in" the gospel of Jesus Christ. We sometimes think that if we reach a certain milestone, we'll be far enough in to never have to worry about falling out. If we just graduate or get married or all of our kids go on missions, if we just get that one job or that one house or that one calling in the church. But if our goal is to become like the Savior, then we may never truly be far enough in this life or even long past it. Mere moments before His death, Christ was comforting his mother and his friends, even the strangers being crucified with him. Right after He died He immediately went to work organizing the righteous spirits in the Spirit world. Right after His resurrection He again was comforting Mary Magdalene and His Apostles. Right after that He went to the Americas and as the Resurrected Lord of all the Earth, He spent hours and hours touching each person in the Land of Bountiful one by one. If we follow the Savior we are destined for eternal progression. We are destined to never be far enough in because there will always be farther to progress. God says His work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. In mathematical terms, God's work = bringing to pass eternal life, and God's glory = bringing to pass eternal life, then by the substitution property God's work = God's glory. If we desire eternal glory then we need to come to terms with the fact that eternal glory means eternal work. This may seem discouraging that we are destined to endless work, but remember work is glory, it is joy.