Eye Single to God’s Glory

When pure white light enters a prism, it goes through a process called refraction. Light is composed of rays of many different frequencies or wavelengths all traveling together in harmony, but when it enters a prism, each of those rays gets refracted, or bent, at slightly different angles. This causes that harmonious, pure light to get split up into all different colors, with different degrees of intensity and brightness. Seeing light in all of its many colors can be quite beautiful, but there's a reason most of our light bulbs and flashlights are all made of pure white light. It's because pure white light gives the most consistent illumination. If we try to walk around in the dark with a red or blue or green flashlight, our sense of scale or depth perception is going to be off because we're so used to having all of the different wavelengths of light working together and not just having a part of the light spectrum to work with. When our minds are divided up and distracted by many different concerns, they are like a prism, and when the pure light of Christ enters our minds like that then it's going to be refracted and bent and split up. It will become less effective at solving our problems because each divided piece of our mind is only going to get a small portion of the light. But if our eye is single to the glory of God, then the pure light of Christ will be able to enter harmoniously and undivided and unadulterated, shining with its full intensity and consistency to every part of our soul. If we can try to make Christ the focus of our lives and our minds and our souls, then every part of us will be in harmony and receive the full light and glory of God.


Explosion of Spiritual Light


Let Christ Own Our Mistakes