Dandelion Seeds

There are many scriptures that compare the word of God to a seed. The Savior compared the word to a mustard seed, or wheat, or other crops that a sower might sow. Amulek compared it to a tree that might bring forth fruit. Isaiah and Zenos compared it to olive trees in vineyards. Comparing the word of God to different kinds of seeds can cause us to think about different kinds of applications for the Word of God, and our rule in planting, cultivating and spreading the Word of God. I would like, for a moment, to consider what lessons could be gained from comparing the word of God to Dandelion seeds. Dandelions grow naturally on every continent except Antarctica. They can grow in very poor soil, and even in cracks in the pavement. A single dandelion plant can produce as many as 9000 seeds in a single year. One hectare (or 100 by 100 meters square) of densely cultivated dandelions can produce as many as 97 million seeds in a single year. Engineers are studying the unique structure of the parachute-like pappus that allows a single dandelion seed to float through the air as far as a kilometer from the original plant. Every single part of the dandelion, from roots to stem to leaves to flowers to seeds can be eaten and contains many important vitamins and nutrients. Dandelions are known as beneficial weeds. Their taproot helps bring nutrients to the top layer of soil, they attract pollinating insects, and they release a chemical which helps fruit to ripen. If we all attempted to spread the word of God as far and as widely and as prolifically as the dandelion spreads its seeds, imagine how much more quickly we would hasten the work of the Lord. We live in an age where each of us has unprecedented reach across the whole world to share inspiring, uplifting messages about the gospel and to send the word of God like little dandelion seeds floating to every corner of the world. Not every testimony or message we share will fall among good soil, but if we just keep sharing more and more messages in the way that dandelions just keep releasing more and more seeds, then eventually we will put out so many seeds that the wicked one, like a bird, will not be able to swoop in and eat all of our seeds, and the wayside will be so covered in little dandelion flowers that its soil will begin to soften and become rich and productive once more, and if there are any thorns, we will choke them with so many dandelions that it will be the thorns turn to wither and shrink from the heat of the sun. Dandelions are so common and seem to pop up everywhere that many people fail to realize how remarkable and resilient and strong and beautiful they really are, but they are one of the most successful of all of God’s creations. I hope we can all have the courage and the humility to share the word of God so much and so frequently and so tirelessly and persistently that it just starts popping up in people’s hearts unlooked for and unasked for and when they least expect it, and doing all kinds of good that they don’t yet realize or suspect, making their hearts ready for the mustard seeds and the wheat and the fruit trees and the olive trees to have their turn to grow and bring forth good fruit.


Hold On Thy Way


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