The First Christmas Miracle
This year I have been trying to find the sacred in even our most secular seeming traditions. I do this to show that all things, whether by accident or by design, point to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A common criticism leveled against the idea of Santa Claus traveling all over the world in one night to deliver presents is that it would take a miracle for the night to be long enough for Santa to do this. But just as Santa needs a night to be miraculously long every Christmas Eve, on the very first Christmas Eve, there actually was a miracle that caused the day to stretch on past the setting of the sun. So wherever you think about how Santa would have to stop the sun from rising to get to every house on Christmas Eve, you could also think about the people of Nephi, praying for a miracle to stop the light from going out on the very first Christmas Eve, not so they would have to time to get their presents, but so their lives could be spared.