“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.” (D&C 101:16). Be Still and Know that I am God - I’ve always taken this to go in one direction. If we make an effort of will to be still, then we will have the presence of mind or the capacity to know that God exists and that He watches over us. But I think that it flows just as easily the other way. If we take the time to remind ourselves that we have a Loving Heavenly Father who knows us and understands and cares about what we are going through, then we can find the stillness and peace that our soul desires. If we desire something with all of our heart, if we fast and we pray and we act in faith for this thing to happen, and it doesn’t happen, then what? And when we are dreading that something might happen, when we have done everything in our power to avoid that horrible outcome, when we have poured our blood, sweat and tears into avoiding that particular outcome, and it happens anyway, what then? We know that our Heavenly Father is aware of the desires of our hearts. We know that all of His effort and will is centered around maximizing our happiness and blessing us with everything that He has. We know that He has the power to do all things. Then let us be still. Let us trust in Him and His Promises and His timing. Let us let go of the worry and the anxiety and the resentment and the disappointment that things did not go exactly our way and trust that however great we imagined our lives to be, our Heavenly Father has something much, much better in store for us. We know that God exists, we know that He loves us with an infinite love. We know that He has all power in Heaven and on Earth. Let us be still. Let us wait and see how God will turn all of our bitterest disappointments and our most painful trials into experience and joy and glory in the end.