Wireless Charging
When Alma and Amulek and their brethren began their mission among the Zoramites, they were astonished to discover that the people were of the belief that they could only pray and worship at the top of their Rameumptom and in no other place. We may not necessarily carry our belief to such an extreme, but I'm sure for all of us there are times that we choose to refrain from reaching out to our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance and the power to overcome our present difficulties because we feel that we are not in the right place or the right time to make such requests. We may say a prayer of thanks and blessings over our food at home, but might shy away from doing the same at a restaurant. We might follow a prompting to help a neighbor clean up their yard on a weekday, but excuse ourselves from such service on a Sunday to keep ourselves from laboring on the Lord's Day of rest. We might bear our testimony in front of everyone from the pulpit on Fast Sunday, but be too embarrassed to say the same things to our close friend who has some earnest questions about our faith. We sometimes think that accessing the powers of Heaven must be similar to charging the battery of an electronic device - the plug must be inserted in a particular way in a particular place and must be left in for a particular time for the batteries to charge. We must ask for and receive guidance from the Holy Ghost only in a particular way and in a particular place. But this is simply not true. We can not expect nor demand that God's infinite powers be confined to some narrow wires, accessible only if we have our lives all in order and properly lined up and have made our journey to the Rameumptom. We don't have to have a vision exactly like the prophet Joseph Smith to know that the Book of Mormon is true. We don't have to wait to find our neighbor lying half dead upon the side of the road like the Good Samaritan before we can think of treating them with love and kindness. There is no right or wrong way to be filled with the powers of heaven. The same God who told Nephi to slay Laban told the people of Ammon to bury their weapons of war. The same God who suffered Abinadi to burn to death caused Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to pass through the fire unharmed. God is in and through and a part of all things. It is no more or less appropriate to draw our hearts out in prayer and seek His strength whether we are in a chapel or a bar, at a ballgame or at a baptism, surrounded by people or utterly alone. Just as we may merely place a device with wireless charging anywhere on the charging pad without having to fiddle with plugging a wire into a particular spot, so we can access the powers of Heaven without having to wait for just the right circumstances. I know that every single moment of our lives, wherever we may find ourselves, is the exact right moment to begin or continue to repent and seek to have with us the Spirit and power of God.