Learn the Lessons Before the Test Comes

Between buying his brother Esau's birthright to scheming with his mother to obtain a blessing from his father, Jacob seems to have some echoes of the Prodigal son. He seems a little impatient to get his inheritance already. I think that the Lord saw that his servant Jacob would need more patience in his life and that is why he permitted Laban to trick Jacob into serving for fourteen years for his marriage to Rachel. This would not be the only trial of faith and patience that Jacob would endure, and not the only one with Rachel. While Jacob began to father quite a number of other children with his other wives, he had to wait a very long time to have a child with Rachel. But even this trial of patience would pale in comparison to the patience that would be required of Jacob and his whole family as they all waited many years to be reunited with Joseph after he had been sold into slavery. It was merciful of the Lord to teach Jacob patience when it seemed easier. Jacob was so in love that the fourteen years seemed but a few days. But he had developed the strength of character to be patient when perhaps the days seemed like years as he mourned the loss of his son and had no hope to be reunited with him. We should always take advantage of the lessons the Lord provides us because often the lessons we are learning now will be vital for us to pass the tests and trials that come later.


Perfect Brightness of Hope


Resistance Is Futile