I Will Also Deny
"But whosever will deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 10:33). To understand this statement following the logic of our own personal experience is that if we deny Christ, then, in order to get even or get back at us, Christ will deny us. A deny for a deny, so to speak. But I believe that if we truly consider Christ's character and His humility and patience and His overwhelming desire and commitment to save our souls, even and perhaps especially from ourselves, then we may come to realize that maybe the Savior means something else. Instead of the Lord denying us wholly and comprehensively in just the same way that we, in our rebelling, are attempting to deny Him, what if the Lord means that He will deny our denial, reject our rejection, ignore our ignoring? It is true that God holds our will and our freedom to choose and to act as agents for ourselves in the highest regard, but it is also true that our Heavenly Father's whole work and glory is to bring about the immortality and eternal life of each of His children. We may have given up on Christ, but Christ will never give up on us. We may deny Christ, but Christ will with every thought and stratagem and power at His disposal deny our denial and work tirelessly and unceasingly to persuade and convince and plead with us to renounce and forsake our denial and turn back to Him and accept Him and His love and grace with full purpose of Heart. I may be wrong in my assessment of what this verse means but it seems to align much more closely with Christ's character and nature than to project on Him our own petty and insecure motivations for denying someone. What I do know is that Christ loves us and that He bought us with a price that was too high for Him to do anything other that fight for our Salvation with everything that He has.