Love The Piece of God In Everyone You Meet
The two great Commandments are to Love the Lord our God with all our heart, might, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. I would argue that the second commandment isn't a separate injunction but a continuation or an elaboration of the first. Each of us is a child of God. We all in our own way reflect some aspect of divinity, have some spark of the Light of Christ within us. When Christ says "when you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto me" He is not being metaphorical. We are each a part of God so when we show our love for one another, we are showing our love for God, because a part of God is in each one of us. We don't need to worry if we're showing love to God or to our neighborhood, whether we're obeying the first or the second great commandment because they are one and the same. When we love God we are loving our neighbor and when we love our neighbor we are loving God because God is in our neighbor and our neighbor is in God. God is love. He is in the one giving love and in the one receiving love. Every time we fill our hearts with the pure love of Christ we are obeying and honoring both the first and the second great Commandments. You can't love God without loving at the same time His children and you can't love God's children without loving at the same time God Himself.