First Among Equals
The Romans had a complicated relationship with kings, so when Augustus Caesar began consolidating absolute power, rather than taking upon himself the title of Rex or Dictator, which he knew the senators would revolt against, Augustus claimed the title of Princeps, which translates to "first among equals." Our English word Prince is derived from Princeps. One of the titles of Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Knowing that Prince means first among equals can help us understand why the Prince of Peace is such an important title for our Savior. Christ made Himself equal to all of us. He took upon Himself a mortal body and experienced the same kinds of challenges and temptations and hungers and thirsts and pains and afflictions and illnesses that all of us have faced. More than that, He took upon Himself the sins of all the world, and though He was the Only Begotten of the Father and had power over life and death, He took upon Himself death as well. He did all of this so that He could redeem our souls from death and hell and so that He could show us the way. He was the Prince of Peace. He was the first among equals. When conflict arose He took the first steps towards reconciliation. In an argument, Christ did not say "I am your God, Do what I say or I shall smite you off the face of the Earth." Christ treated His enemies as His equals, and with all humility, He implored them to follow Him along the path of peace, without coercion or intimidation, but gently and meekly and full of love and understanding. If we are to follow the Prince of Peace, then we must do as He did. In an argument, we must treat our opposition as our equals - neither above nor below us, with opinions neither more nor less valuable than our own, not objects to be shoved aside or steamrolled over, but living, breathing, thinking equals. And then, we must be the first among our equals. We must be the first to empathize and try to understand things from their point of view, the first to apologize, even when every feeling in our hearts screams that we are in the right and they are in the wrong, the first to mend fences and build bridges, the first to turn the other cheek, the first to love our enemies and to pray for those that despitefully use us. If Peace is ever to exist, then someone has to make the first move, to be the first among equals. I know that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, the First Among Equals, and if we follow His example, we can fill our lives and the world around us with peace by always being the first to treat everyone with gentleness and meekness and love unfeigned.