Mists Of Darkness
In Lehi's vision, he saw mists of darkness that rose up and obscured the path to the tree, and many who did not hold fast to the iron rod became confused and lost and wandered off onto forbidden paths. Mist, like fog, is basically a cloud that is much closer to the ground. Anyone who has ever tried walking around on a really foggy day can understand how those trying to get to the tree would get lost when the mists of darkness arose. Mist is basically just a big body of water that is so spread out and diffuse that it can easily cloud our vision while not being substantial enough to really satisfy our thirst or cleanse us. Christ promised us that He is the Living Waters and that if we come unto Him, we can partake of the water that He offers us and never thirst again. Christ's Living Waters are clear, pure, clean, real, and infinitely vast and plentiful. We can scoop up the living waters in our hands, we can even completely immerse ourselves in them. They are always right there when we need them, just like our Savior is always there when we need Him. The mists of darkness take any virtue found in the living waters - light, truth, strength, peace, happiness - and scatter them into tiny, tiny droplets. We can see today how thick the mists of darkness are. Everyone has their own opinion about how to find peace and happiness and perspective and how to make the world a better place and they are all different. And since none of us can come to an agreement about what's right and wrong, we are all our own suspended little droplets, unconnected to anyone or anything else. We will drive ourselves crazy trying to satisfy our deep spiritual thirst by chasing after one droplet of mist or another, and if we let go of the iron rod, we will quickly wander off into forbidden paths and get lost. But if we keep our eye fixed on the Savior, and trust in His promise to always give freely the living waters, then we will not be lured by the false promises of a billion things and activities and philosophies that try to convince us that they can make us feel complete and whole. I know that all truth clings together and that Christ is the source of all that is of lasting good in this world.