Labor Exceedingly To Support Iniquity

"Thus did the people labor exceedingly to support iniquity." (Mosiah 11:6). It can take a lot of extra work to intentionally live in sin. If you lie, then you have to start coming up with cover stories and alibis, planting false evidence, recruiting accomplices, paying blackmail. The truth will set you free not only from guilt but from the exhausting labor of trying to keep up with the ever multiplying lies. Consider the Savior's invitation: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He is not just offering some metaphorical rest. If we follow Him, then we are following the true Plan of Happiness, which is actually the path of minimum effort for maximum happiness. It's not to say that the straight and narrow is always easy, but it is far easier to find more happiness more often by following the Savior, then trying to wring less and less happiness from sinful pursuits that will keep demanding more and more effort for less and less reward. If we come to the Savior, He will help us to give up not only our sins, but also all of the extra work and labor that comes from trying to keep up with those sins.


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