Let The Lord Pick Up The Tab

If someone suffers some kind of injury at McDonald's or Walmart, there's a reason that they choose to sue the giant corporation that's worth billions of dollars, instead of the employee who may have contributed to their injury but only makes minimum wage. They could take the little guy to court, maybe even win the case, but one lowly employee doesn't have the means to cover that kind of debt. Trying to exact our revenge or getting even with someone who has wronged us is like trying to sue a McDonald's worker instead of trying to sue McDonald's itself. We can hold out for years or decades waiting for someone who has wronged us to pay us back in full, but that day will never come. Even if the person feels guilty and tries to do everything in their power, they just don't have the time or the energy or the resources to fully pay off their debt to us. We know this. We know that nothing they do could ever make it right, but so often we insist that they keep trying anyway, because as long as we can see that they're suffering, we imagine that it might make our suffering less. It doesn't, but for some reason, despite all evidence to the contrary, we want to believe that it could make us feel better if we can just get them to suffer a little more. I know that misery loves company and when we're stuck down in the pit, nothing seems more rewarding than to pull others down into the pit as well, but there is a better way. There is One who can pay the debts of those who have wronged us in full, with interest. And unlike the mega corporations who are so often the target of lawsuits, Jesus Christ doesn't have just billions and billions of dollars. Christ has an infinite capacity to pay not just our debts, but the debts of every person who has ever lived. If someone has wronged us, it shouldn't matter to us if they feel repentant or try to make restitution. We don't have to wait around for them to start feeling guilty and trying to make up for what they did. We can turn immediately to the Lord and through the power of the Atonement, He can fully settle the debts against us. We don't have to prolong our broken heart indefinitely as we wait for the one who harmed us to settle their debts. The Lord will pay us back more quickly and more fully than any mere mortal ever could. Let's not wait around forever for our all too human brothers and sisters to settle their debts against us. Let's just forgive them and turn to our Savior, and allow the Lord to pick up the tab.


The Best Defense Is A Good Offense


Noble Gases