Imperfect Creations

Our Heavenly Father, God Himself, He of infinite power, infinite knowledge, and infinite wisdom, a Perfect Being, nevertheless makes imperfect creations. Each and every one of us, even the Earth itself, are flawed, imperfect beings, each with our own weaknesses and shortcomings. If God, Who is perfect, creates imperfect things, then how can we, who are imperfect, hope to create perfect things? We can't. No matter how much we practice, no matter how hard we try, how much we pray, how great our sacrifice, how pure our desires, we will nonetheless create imperfect things. Every single time. But this should not alarm or worry or dishearten us. After all, as creators of imperfect creations, we are in good company. If God in His infinite wisdom sees value in imperfect creations, then we need not let the fear of flaws and failures stand in the way of our own creations. See, the way God works is He creates something flawed and weak and prone to failure, and then He loves it not just for what it is right now, but can see the potential of such a flawed, imperfect being, and helps to guide it towards perfection. Whether we're writing a story or baking a cake or building a family, if we accept that our first efforts will be flawed and imperfect, and if we look forward with an eye of faith and a commitment to patience, then over time our creations will grow out of their flaws and into their perfections. God only ever starts with flawed, imperfect, incomplete creations. Even Jesus had to grow from grace to grace and in favor with God and men. So if God is not afraid to make imperfect things, then neither should we be afraid to make imperfect things. And if God is not willing to give up on even His weakest and most flawed creations, then neither should we lose hope that even our worst failures might yet hold the seeds of our greatest triumphs.


Exercising Faith


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