Faithful Over A Few Things

"His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the rest of thy Lord." (Matthew 25:21). Too often we fear that we are not doing enough. However much we serve, or bear our testimonies, or turn the other cheek, we are nonetheless anxious that we could and should be doing more. God does not need us to do everything. All that He requires is that we are faithful over a few things. That's it. A few things. If we have a desire to be a good and faithful servant, if we long to hear from our Heavenly Father the words, "Well done", then all we must do is be faithful over a few things. Christ Himself did not try to do everything, all the time. When He sailed across the sea, He let His disciples see to the sailing while He took a nap. When He went to call Lazarus from the dead, He asked for directions and told others to take away the stone. When we let go of the idea that we must be faithful over everything or most things or even many things, and embrace the truth that all that the Lord requires us is to be faithful over a few things, then we can enter into the rest of the Lord. That's what the Rest of the Lord means. The Rest of the Lord is the peace of mind that after we have taken on all that we can handle, the Lord will take care of the Rest. I know that if we can show obedience and humility and sacrifice and faithfulness over just a few things, that will be enough. God will honor our two mites, He will give thanks for our two loaves and five fishes, He will welcome us into His loving arms and tell us Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, it is enough, enter into the rest of the Lord.


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All We Have To Decide