Snowball To Hell

I was reading about the ten plagues of Egypt and I noticed something that I hadn't considered before. The plagues build off of each other and perhaps cause the next one coming. For example, if the river turned to blood, then it would be easy to imagine that all of the frogs living in the bloody water would want to get out, since their homes just got ruined. And then when all the frogs dry up and die it makes sense then that all of the flies would show up since there were no more frogs to eat them. And so on and so forth. The lesson here is that the more we choose to rebel against the Lord, the more our original bad decision will snowball and lead to other, worse consequences, which will only cause us to get more and more angry, and make even more bad decisions, and the consequences will snowball further in this vicious cycle. We often refer to Moses as a deliverer, but he didn't just deliver the children of Israel from slavery, but also the Pharaoh and his people from the cycle of rebellion and plague that they were trapped in. Christ can save us from our sins, but more importantly, He can save us from ourselves. He can help us break the cycle of rebellion and plague and He can save us from a downward spiral of hurt and anger and betrayal.


Collaborating With God


The Spirit of God Like A Fire Is Burning