The Spirit of God Like A Fire Is Burning

I was reading about sacrifice in ancient times and I was thinking about why they burnt their offerings. I think there are a couple of reasons for this. The first and likely most important reason is that you can't take it back. There's no unburning a sacrifice. Once it's been burnt, that's it. There's no going back. When we sacrifice something to the Lord, we have to be all in. We can't think of going back on our decision. When Cortez came to the Americas with the Conquistadors, he wanted to make sure his people were fully committed to the campaign so he burned his ships so they had no option to back out. We don't offer animal sacrifices anymore, but when we offer up a broken heart and a contrite spirit, we can approach these sacrifices with the same level of commitment as the ancient people did with their burnt offerings. We can choose to give our hearts and our will over to the Lord unreservedly, with no thoughts of holding back or changing our minds. And when we do this, we will have the Spirit of God like a fire burning come to dwell in our hearts and they will burn within us.


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