Golden Memories

When Moses revealed that they were going to construct a tabernacle for the Lord, he asked the children of Israel to make offerings of rare woods and precious stones and fine twined linens and silver and gold. He did this because no material is too fine or precious for the dwelling place of the Lord, but I believe there was another reason as well. The children of Israel all offered up their gold to make the golden calf. For many of them, gold must have been a constant reminder of one of their very worst mistakes. But the Lord, in His infinite mercy, was offering them a chance to offer up gold once more to a far worthier cause. Now, instead of thinking of the golden calf every time they handled pieces of gold, they could think instead of the golden Ark of the Covenant. By allowing them to offer their gold and silver to be a part of the Tabernacle, the Lord was telling them to remember their sins no more, but to make new memories of righteousness instead. If we come unto Christ, He will give us opportunities to write over our bad memories with good memories.


Covered By Mercy


Make Room For Christ