Full Of/With Gratitude
I wasn't quite able to articulate what I was trying to convey about gratitude yesterday so I'm having another crack at it. When we talk about gratitude, we talk about being grateful, or in other words, being full of gratitude. Now, this could mean that we are full of the feeling of gratitude, or it could mean that gratitude makes our lives full. Finding things to be grateful for makes a pleasant experience more enjoyable, and it makes an unpleasant experience more meaningful. Gratitude turns joy into cherished memories; it turns sorrow into priceless wisdom. Gratitude has a way of preserving our experiences, a way of finding the best in each moment to acknowledge and carry with us. Regret is all about recognizing that we did not take full advantage of a previous experience, but gratitude is all about taking that full advantage. When we are consistently grateful, we will not feel the need to return to a previous time because we have already laid up in store all that was best about those times. When we are grateful we need not fear the major transitions in our lives because we have soaked up all that was best about our present circumstances and we will have that preserved joy and wisdom to sustain us in the next stage of our life. More importantly, when things take a sharp turn for the worse - or for the better! - we will have cultivated a habit of gratitude that will empower us to jump into this new experience with both feet, ready and able to suck up as much joy and wisdom and life changing lessons as it has to offer. Let us be full with gratitude by being full of gratitude.