Branch And Tree
I've been reading Jacob's (well Zenos's) allegory of the olive trees in Jacob 5, and it got me thinking about how sometimes we can be like the olive branch and sometimes we're like the olive tree. We may be producing good fruit, doing a good job where we're at, magnifying our callings, everything seems to be clicking, but it may be that there is an olive tree that's really struggling and in need of a positive influence, and so the Lord may uproot us and graft us in somewhere else where we're needed even more. Or it may be that we're like the olive tree producing good fruit and we've built up this network of love and support and all the people in our lives are getting it and seem to be on the right path, but the Lord may have a wild branch that needs a help only we can provide and He trusts that our roots and our testimonies are strong and only we can help this wild branch produce good fruit. And sometimes it might be that we're the wild branch or the wild tree and the Lord may graft us in or have grafted into our lives someone or some group of people whose light shines bright and whose love runs deep and who can help us bring forth the best fruit. So when change seems to come out of nowhere, maybe it's because the Lord sees a branch or a tree - which could be us- that needs a little help with their fruit and he's putting the right people together to have the best possible vineyard.