Oil And Wine
"And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him." (Luke 10:34). When the good Samaritan was tending to the wounds of the traveler who had been attacked, he poured in oil and wine. We use oil to anoint and bless the sick and afflicted. And wine is one of the emblems of the sacrament. The good Samaritan understood that his neighbor needed both physical and spiritual healing. When Christ was brought the man who was stricken with palsy, He first forgave the man of His sins and then He took away the man's palsy. God has said that all things are spiritual to Him and at no time has He ever done anything that is limited to merely the temporal but always encompasses the spiritual. Our souls are made up of our bodies and our spirits and if we are hurt we need to look after not only the health of our bodies but also the health of our spirits. We need to pour in oil for the blessing and healing of our bodies and wine for the blessing and healing of our spirits.