Spiritual BMI
We tend to talk about exercising faith like we're building muscles. If we were to extend the metaphor a little, then taking on doubts would be like building up fat. All of us are a mixture of faith and doubt, of muscle and fat, and just like we have different body types - some put on fat easily, some put on muscle easily, some put on neither easily - we also have different spirit types and some put on faith really easily and some take on doubts really easily, and some have a hard time with either. The point is to achieve a healthy spiritual BMI by recognizing how easily faith and or doubt come to us and focusing on the activities that will strengthen and grow our faith instead of our doubts and also to not get hung up on the fact that our neighbor always seems so much more filled with faith than we do. Just like a little bit of fat is healthy for the body, a little bit of doubt is going to be inevitable and useful for walking a life of faith, but if our doubts start to weigh us down, maybe we need to focus a little more on bringing our faith and our doubts in balance.