The Order of Creation

Whether you believe the creation story as told in Genesis to be literal or symbolic, if you look at the order of creation, it actually syncs up pretty well with established scientific theory. On Day One, God divided the light from the darkness. In other words, he put the Earth into a spinning orbit. In order to eventually sustain life, our planet needs to be spinning on its axis. Look at Mercury. It's more or less tidally locked, which means that it only has about one and a half "days" for each year. One side is basically constantly baked by the sun, while the other almost never sees the sun at all and is completely frozen. It's easy to see why one of the first things God did was to put the Earth into a spin. On Day two, God creates a firmament, or as we might say in our day, an atmosphere. It's impossible for life to develop without an atmosphere. For that matter it's impossible to have liquid water. Which leads us to Day Three, the separation of waters and dry land. This can only be the introduction of plate tectonics, which is another crucial element to life on Earth. Plate tectonics help to recycle different elements, especially carbon into and out of the Earth's core through a process called subduction. On Day four God introduced plants which would fill up our atmosphere with oxygen, which, of course, is crucial to all animal life. On Day five God caused the lights in the firmament to appear. I take this as God tweaking our atmosphere so that it's not too thick. Venus is almost identical to Earth in every way except you can't see the sun or the stars on Venus because the atmosphere is so thick it would crush you if it didn't already dissolve you with how acidic it is or melt you with how hot it is (about 900°F). God set things in place so that in the beginning Earth wouldn't suffer the same runaway greenhouse effect. On Day five came the fish of the sea, which all scientists agree are much older than land animals and then on Day six finally the land animals including people. At first glance it seems that on the topic of creation, science and religion have nothing in common, but I would argue they're a lot closer than you might think.


Righteous Dominion Over the Earth

