Feel To The Brim

Another thing that stuck out to me from Conference was something that Sister Reyna I Aburto said. "I imagine that the resurrected Lord may have allowed Mary Magdalene to grieve and express her pain." The Savior knew that in a moment His dear friend's sadness and grief would be overtaken by her joy at seeing Him alive again, but He gave her the time to fully experience her grief and sorrow. He did not want to take that away from her. Like Mary Magdalene, we are each given the proper amount of time to experience fully the breadth and depth of our mortal existence. Some experiences are sweet, some are bitter, some are bittersweet. We learn and grow in different ways from joyful and sad and pleasant and painful and peaceful and chaotic moments. God knows precisely how long we need to suffer, how long we need to rest, how long we need to make mistakes and how long we need to repent. He doesn't want to rob us of a single moment, and we may not understand at present why sometimes certain experiences stretch on far longer than we would like or seemingly far longer than we thought we could possibly bear but we will see the wisdom in the Lord's timing on the end. It is important to know that if we are in pain or in grief or in fear, Christ feels those same pangs only at a far deeper level, and He does not remove our burdens yet because He believes in us and in our capacity to endure for a small moment the fullness of our fear and our pain and our grief and that we will fall at His feet with tears in our eyes and thank Him for trusting us enough to descend to the depths of our sorrow for there could have been no other way for us to truly learn the wisdom and the grace and the mysteries of God.


The Lord’s Peace


Choose To Believe