Choose To Believe

One of the things that the Prophet said yesterday that stuck out to me was that we must choose to believe. We are to be agents unto ourselves, created to act and not to be acted upon. It is easy to say I can not believe because I have all of these doubts. It is harder to say I have doubts yet I choose to believe. Believing is a choice, doubting is a choice. Our lamps may not shine as brightly because they are a mixture of the oil of belief and the waters of doubt, but when it comes time to fill up our lamps, we can choose to put in more of the oil of belief, or we can smother our faith with our doubts, but in either case this is our decision, our choice. It may sometimes feel that doubts arise unbidden, without our conscious thought, but we still choose whether we want to give room in our hearts and in our minds. We only have a finite capacity for either belief or doubt and to make more room for one, we have to give up space for the other. We may have doubts but we can choose to believe.


Feel To The Brim

